Monday, December 1, 2008

Me, Myself and I

I think only people I know would actually wind up their way here to look at this, so i guess there isn't much to learn about me since you already known me, some for as long as 15 to 16 years, others a mere 2 months at work. Still, I will write something about myself.

I guess only very close friends get to see who I really am. I tend to be rather defensive and protective around people I'm not comfortable with. It'll take time for me to evfentually open up and this is a huge flaw in my personality which has always been plagueing me. I am trying to over come it, but I think I still need more time. Or maybe I am just too worried about what people would think of me thats why I tend to be very reserved.

Anyway, me, hmmm, I used to be very inactive and overweight as a kid and teen. I'm not in the best shape now, but I am working on it. I guess people change over time and I am glad I am trying to improve my physical fitness. Probably its the IPPT that is forcing me to do it, but it is nice to be able to run every now and then to take things off my mind.

I have this crazy sense of loyalty, sometimes I think its a curse to be like this. So far, I've not been let down when I placed this trust on my friend. He stuck with me through it all and we came out ontop but thats another story hahaha, something to tell my kiddies or grand kiddies next time. Those were both great and horrendous times.

I tend to not like confrontations. I avoid it whenever I can. If you ever do see me get into an arguement of fight, you know shit just happened. I usually just move away, once bitten twice shy, I'll never want to deal with that person again.

Parrots, I used to have 7 of them. 3 passed on, now I am left with 4. Hand raised them from young. You can say I treat them like kids, they do have the intelligence of a kid. Great fun to be around, lots of energy and zest for life. Alot of love to share with you as long as you exhibit the same it to them. Excellent companions.

I'm vegetarian on Fridays as well as the 1st and 15th of the lunar calendar. Its something I picked up nearly 2 years ago. It is hard to explain and if you cannot accept weird ass theories, then don't ask me why. Its personal anyway.... I've ever only told a handful of people.

Well, thats me in a nutshell. I don't drink or smoke either, but I really do enjoy driving. I'm gonna try and see if I can set up a section of my blog to be private view so I can write in stuff and let it be like an online diary. I have loads of shit to say and write, much of which I think isn't suitable for public viewing hahaha.

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